I tried to find and try the Macintosh version of the software I used in my DOSBox demonstration. I recorded AMP’s output for a couple files. Basilisk is a XUL-based web browserthat uses Pale Moon's layout and rendering engine Goanna, which is a fork of Firefox's rendering engine Gecko.
The emulator emulates a 68k Macintosh, while later versions Mac OS requires a … Ford used the simulator to provide information about each model. Once the emulation began, the system software installation process is identical to running Basilisk II on a modern Mac. I liked how there was a map of the route with the landmarks you would pass on this version. While it is fun to own older hardware, this is the next best thing…. They have the detailed instructions for configuring Basilisk II in macOS here. Using Basilisk browser Basilisk is a decent Firefox fork if you want the legacy extensions support.
All of these can be found on Macintosh Garden, where I found them. Therefore, you’ll only get a black-and-white display and limited power. Basilisk is an open source XUL-based web browser, featuring a Firefox-style interface and operation. I ended up recording the sound output using the MintTin and Audacity.